James Anderson

8th Shoalwater Bay Lighthouse Keeper / 1873 – 1877

James Anderson was born in Denmark around 1828


Started out at Cape Hancock Lighthouse

He started his Lighthouse service at Cape Disappointment Lighthouse (Cape Hancock) in 1865 as first assistant. He got the job due to the fact that an earlier assistant keeper by the name of Henry Brown basically refused to get his work done and James ended up with his job.. James was living in Unity (Ilwaco) but by 1873 he transferred to Shoalwater Bay lighthouse as principal keeper.

At Shoalwater Bay Lighthouse 1873 – 1877

During his time at the Shoalwater Lighthouse from 1873-1877 In Jan 1874 a duck crashed into one of the exterior windows of the light tower noisily breaking the glass window which frightened everyone inside. Some major work was done to the living quarters later in 1874.

First the living quarters were extended with the addition of a kitchen and pantry. Also a wood shed and a boat shed were built. It was also during this time that sand movement which had always plagued the lighthouse needed further barricading. Protection from drifting sands was attempted with the construction of a solid wood fence around the dwelling. In 1876 a new roof was put on the lighthouse. On 2 August 1876 he married Catherine Jorgensen who was 26 years younger than James. They were married in the lighthouse by Rev. W.W. Watson. Witnesses were Thomas B Williams, and Frank M. Peterson, who were assistant keepers.

Transfer back to Cape Hancock

James transferred back to Cape Disappointment (Cape Hancock) lighthouse in 1878. The 1880 Census for Wallacah Precinct (Fort Canby), Pacific Co., W.T., shows James as principal lighthouse keeper with George W. Cartwright as 1st assistant keeper and Christian Holburg as 2nd. The 1880 census also listed Catherine as suffering from Consumption. Catherine died just a few months later on 12 September 1880 and was buried in Oregon at Fort Stevens National Cemetery, OR. (25y,8m,16d) Catherine was born in Denmark on 27 December 1854.

Marries Henrietta Marie Sorenson

James next married Henrietta Marie Sorenson 4 August 1881 at the keeper’s house at Cape Disappointment Lighthouse. Henrietta Sorenson Anderson was born Oct 30, 1856 in Denmark. Henrietta Sorenson Anderson was born 30 October 1856.

Family Tragedies

On 17 December 1883 a daughter named Maria was born to James and Henrietta. To their dismay she died 9 months, 26 days later on 13 October 1884

28 May 1884 James took leave for four months to go to Denmark with wife and 5 children. Brother Niels Anderson of Oysterville took over his duties,

26 July 1885, another child of James and Henrietta died / Henrietta Marie Anderson died at 5 months 15 days and is buried at Fort Stevens National Cemetery

James Retires to Fruitvale, California

Keepers House at Ft Canby by S. B. Graham, Portland OR General Landscape Photographer

Capt. James Anderson was a Lighthouse Keeper with the U.S,L.H.S. for 31 years. when he retired in November 1894 and moved to Fruitvale CA.